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About Cambridge IGCSE Physics Explained
Cambridge IGCSE Physics Explained has been written to help you prepare for your IGCSE Physics examinations. It has been written in a clear, simple structure, using bullet points to focus on the key points of Cambridge IGCSE Physics 0625 Syllabus. Every bullet point is either core or supplement material and relates directly to the entire Cambridge syllabus for examination from 2016. It's a 'what you should know' book with information required for you to fulfil your potential. It contains tips and examples throughout, and an appendix with a summary of formulae, complete with formula triangles.

About the author
Kaleem Akbar was born on the outskirts of Glasgow, Scotland in 1980. He graduated with a B.Sc. Honours degree in Optoelectronics and Laser Engineering from Heriot Watt University in 2002 and went on to do an M.Sc. at The University of St Andrews, before completing his PGDE (Post Graduate Diploma in Education) in Physics at Strathclyde University in Glasgow. He taught in Scotland before moving out to the Middle East and has taught Physics for the past twenty years at IGCSE, AS and A Level. He wrote this book in response to his students' thirst for the essential details to achieve their full potential.
email author@igcsephysics.com to contact the author.

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Have a look at what's in the book!
If you are studying a different International GCSE Physics syllabus, or a UK GCSE Physics syllabus, don't go away! The book is organised for Cambridge IGCSE Physics 0625 Syllabus, but much of the content will still be relevant to you. Use the Topic List to find the desired material or click here for Edexcel International GCSE Physics Simplified.
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